Med Sea Alliance

natura 2000 torre astura capo portiere caprolace


The Site of Community Interest (SCI) “Fondali tra Torre Astura e Capo Portiere” (IT6000011) is located in central Tyrrhenian Sea (GSA10), designated as SAC in 2017 (DM 02/08/2017 – G.U. 209 del 07-09-2017). It protects the following habitat types of the Habitats Directive, 1120 “Posidonia beds” and 1170 “Reefs”. Closed to this site there is the site “Fondali tra Capo Portiere e Lago di Caprolace (foce)” (IT6000012), designated as SAC in 2017 (DM 02/08/2017 – G.U. 209 del 07-09-2017). It protects the following habitat types of the Habitats Directive, 1120 “Posidonia beds”.

Inside this No Trawl Area it was observed a total of 16 apparent apparent fishing days1 from 2020-04-15 until 2021-11-23 carried by 1 vessels.

The vessels* that were observed to be apparently fishing inside the No Trawl Area during this period were:

Vessel Name MMSI Vessel Unique Identifier Flag EU fleet register main gear EU fleet register auxiliary gear Length (m) fra Apparent fishing days
NPESCEVOLANTE 247091090 ITA000013318 ITA OTB NO 21 sic_zps_torre_astura_capo_portiere_caprolace 16
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